Consistently to Recovery

Do you ever feel as though you are consistently trying to reach recovery, your goal weight, or a level of muscle gain? This could be due to focusing too hard on your end goal and not the road to recovery or reaching this goal. Much like we do not learn to ride a bike overnight, or learn to tie our shoes in one session; we do not reach our goals of strength and recovery in one session or [...]

By |2018-08-28T21:42:09-05:00August 28th, 2018|News|Comments Off on Consistently to Recovery

Back to School? Limit Your Load

Although we can't take any load off you from school work; we can offer suggestions so that your school work is not causing you the back and shoulders. First, it is a good idea to always use both shoulder straps when carrying your back pack. This not only distributes the weight evenly, it takes pressure off one side to attempt to center it over your base of support. Secondly, it is important when lifting your bag to [...]

By |2018-08-23T12:38:55-05:00August 23rd, 2018|News|Comments Off on Back to School? Limit Your Load
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