About Julie Ortman

Julie is our star triathlete. Most of us aim to finish a race- she's the one on the podium. She brings that same passion and commitment to her patients- to help them achieve all they strive for. Go, Julie, go!

Case study: Dry needling versus adhesive capsulitis!

I've recently had a 45 year old female patient whom clinically presented with adhesive capsulitis. If you are not familiar with this diagnosis it is also known as "frozen shoulder". The patient presented with shoulder pain and progressing decrease in range of motion of her right shoulder for about a 1 1/2 years. Over the course of the first several weeks, we were able to achieve an increase in range of motion and decrease in pain with manual [...]

By |2015-11-16T13:51:17-06:00November 16th, 2015|News|Comments Off on Case study: Dry needling versus adhesive capsulitis!
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