Experienced Staff
We are proud of our diverse staff with over 50 years combined experience, multiple specializations and serving Omaha from three locations. Premier Therapy is owned and operated by an Omaha husband and wife team.
About Us

Alter G
Anti Gravity Treadmill
AlterG Anti-Gravity Treadmills with patented Differential Air Pressure technology are leading the revolution in unweighting therapy. With more freedom, greater precision, and broader application, AlterG enables people to move in ways they could never have imagined.

Aquatic Therapy
Hydroworx EVO
Aquatic therapy is an excellent therapeutic, low-impact activity for people of all ages and abilities. Harnessing the physical properties of water to assist in patient healing and exercise performance, aquatic therapy is ideal for a variety of medical conditions

Sport Specific
Specialized Therapy
At Premier therapy, no two sports are treated equally. From bike fitting to shoe recommendations, we have therapists who have their own specialties. SInce they are athletes, they know what it takes to get you back enjoying what you do.

Premier Physical Therapy Omaha, NE
Premier Physical Therapy is local and family-owned by a practicing physical therapist in Omaha. We pride ourselves on our small town, Omaha values. As one of the best physical therapy clinics in Omaha, NE, we stress consistent one-on-one patient care with the same physical therapist at every session. We also know that taking the time to get the right care can be a struggle, that’s why we offer extended hours of 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
We know you want the best care available, so that is exactly what we do. Whether you’re suffering from a workplace/work-comp injury, athletic rehab, chronic pain, joint problems, motor vehicle injury, or even if you want to lose weight, we know that keeping your body running smoothly is why you’re here.
At Premier Physical Therapy, we have the latest and most advanced equipment available for sports physical therapy in Omaha, NE. Stop by and take a look at our new Hydroworx aquatic therapy pool and our Alter-G anti-gravity treadmill. We have two therapists who are certified for dry needling and a PT orthopedic-certified specialist. A healthy body leads to a happy life, and a happy life is what we want to give you!
All Major Insurances Accepted!

What Our Clients Say

Holistic Health Model
Many factors affect your health, not just the physical components. One holistic health model the US military focuses on is composed of 9 [...]
Wearing Red to Show our Nebraska Pride
This is our group picture- Social-Distancing Style!
Stay Fit at Home with BINGO
Self-isolation doesn’t have to be boring! If you are running out of creative ideas, look no further than your own Activity Bingo card. My [...]
Usefulness of MRI for Low Back Pain
Medical imaging - specifically MRIs, are a commonly used as a diagnostic tool for medical practitioners around the globe. MRIs are great at [...]
Alternative to Coffee: Green Tea
Green Tea Green tea is known to have many of the same benefits as coffee with less caffeine and avoids the crash that [...]
1. The Background.... One solar year (that is, the amount of time it takes our planet to accomplish one full rotation about the [...]