About Julie Ortman

Julie is our star triathlete. Most of us aim to finish a race- she's the one on the podium. She brings that same passion and commitment to her patients- to help them achieve all they strive for. Go, Julie, go!

Runners: Don’t forget about the Transverse Plane!

For you runners out there (and even if you are not) don't forget that other body parts are moving in different directions during your forward progression. Running, walking, and most of our day to day movements occur in the sagittal plane--this is PT speak for front to back movements, but this isn't the only plane of movement. There are two other planes of movement as well: the frontal and transverse planes. The frontal plane is all about side [...]

By |2015-10-14T10:57:56-05:00October 14th, 2015|News|Comments Off on Runners: Don’t forget about the Transverse Plane!

National Physical Therapy Month

Did you know it is National Physical Therapy Month? Is it a coincidence that Oktoberfest also falls in the month of October too? :-) Let’s start with the history of the profession. Physical Therapy developed during World War I, between 1914-1917 to assist in the recovery of soldiers’ injuries during the war. Originally, Physical Therapists were known as “reconstruction aides” and the first official therapists graduated from Reed College and Walter Reed Hospital. In the 1970’s-1980’s, the professional [...]

By |2015-10-01T15:36:17-05:00October 1st, 2015|News|Comments Off on National Physical Therapy Month
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