Vertigo is the sensation of feeling unbalanced or dizzy, often including room spinning or nausea. Many people experience dizziness or vertigo every day. While there are many different types of vertigo, one of the most common is BPPV (Benign Parosysmal Positional Vertigo). The diagnosis of BPPV has increased in recent years, as awareness and knowledge of this condition has grown.

So What is BPPV?

BPPV is related to body movement of position. When you move, there are “crystals” in your inner ear, which stimulate nerves which then tell your brain where you are at in space. These crystals are located in 3 different canals, and together, the brain can determine where you are at and where you’re moving. Sometimes, these crystals become dislodged, and can send random signals that conflict with what your eyes and brain are telling you. This conflicting information causes vertigo.

Diagnosis & Treatment

BPPV can be diagnosed by your Primary care provider, ENT specialist, or Physical Therapist. A series of movement related tests will determine if your vertigo is BPPV, or another vertigo related diagnosis such as Vestibular Neuritis or Meniere’s disease. We can then determine a treatment plan or if a specialist referral is required.
Treatment for BPPV is easily done in clinic, and the effects can often be fixed in a single visit, with a series of specified maneuvers, based on your diagnosis. Sometimes additional treatments are required to help retrain or desensitizing your vestibular system.

If you’ve been suffering from vertigo or dizziness for a long time, or experiencing a sudden onset of vertigo, come see us at Premier Therapy for Vestibular Rehab. We can help get you back to living your normal, dizzy free, life.