We are excited to announce the purchase of an Alter G Anti-Gravity Treadmill! For those wondering what that is:
The Alter G Anti-Gravity Treadmill as an effective tool for training and rehab due to its unweighting capabilities. You can reduce gravity’s impact from 20-100% of your body weight, in 1% increments, to allow for training in stress reduced environment. This can be beneficial for orthopedic and neurologic patients, geriatric and pediatric patients, and elite athletes or those training for a new personal goal. The treadmill comes equipped with a television and 3 cameras which allow for real time feedback on your walking or running mechanics. We are excited to become an Alter G provider and we look forward to helping you achieve your rehab and training goals.
For more information or answers to any questions please stop by, give us a call, or send an email. Here is a link to the Alter G website which can provide more information. http://www.alterg.com/products/anti-gravity-treadmills/m320-f320/health-wellness#content