About Julie Ortman

Julie is our star triathlete. Most of us aim to finish a race- she's the one on the podium. She brings that same passion and commitment to her patients- to help them achieve all they strive for. Go, Julie, go!

Are you an Efficient Runner?

Do you want to see results in your running? Are you putting in the miles and not seeing the gains?  Perhaps it is your quad to hamstring muscle strength ratio. A recent article in Triathlete magazine looked at a recent study comparing recreational runners versus highly trained runners and found that although the recreational runners had stronger muscles, they demonstrated lower running economy. Whereas the highly trained runners had less strength, but better quad to hamstring ratio which produced a [...]

By |2015-01-12T13:48:22-06:00January 12th, 2015|News|Comments Off on Are you an Efficient Runner?

Therapeutic Aquatic Exercise and the Effects on Lower Limb Osteoarthritis

Do you or someone you know been diagnosed with arthritis? According to the PT Journal Vol. 94 no. 10 1383-1395 October 2014 article, osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis with the knee, hand, hip, and spine being the most symptomatic body parts affected.  When land-based strengthening and aerobic conditioning are no longer viable options due to pain, therapeutic aquatic exercise should be considered. According to the article, the overall effects had small but significant effects on [...]

By |2015-01-02T13:34:21-06:00January 2nd, 2015|News|Comments Off on Therapeutic Aquatic Exercise and the Effects on Lower Limb Osteoarthritis
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