Here are some fun research facts from the recent, April 2015, PT in Motion magazine. The first and last ones cause me the most concern.

  • 21.5%: Adults in the US who, in 2014, met 2008 federal physical activity guidelines. Highest group was males 18-24 years old at 37.5%
  • 101,577: Average skateboarding injuries per year, under 20 years old, that resulted in ER visit
  • 409: Calories burned per hour cleaning gutters by 180# person
  • 39%: Patient cancellation and no-show rate when medical appointments are scheduled more than 20 days in advance
  • 56%: US consumers who believe wearable devices that monitor their vital signs will increase average life span by 10 years


PT in Motion. “By the Numbers”,  April 2015. Page 64